Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Welcome all

I don't have a ton of time to post anything lengthy, but since I am so long winded and I love to talk about myself (who doesn't) I will likely make a big long introductory post here later this evening after I have played a session tonight. This is the second blog that I have made. The first ended when I ended my attempt at life as a professional poker player (I will post my poker story in the aforementioned long winded post.) This one was started when I found out that I had a free $10 sitting in my ub account last August. I posted in unl on 2p2 about how I intended to turn the $10 into $2k and become rolled for $100 nl again, but I got lazy, and that never ended up writing about it even though I eventually turned the $10 into more than $2k. This blog is now dedicated to a study group that I recently joined, and I may or may not release it to more people as I had a pretty big following in my original blog.

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