Just got done with a 538 hand sesh in which I made $546, and EASILY could have made
700+. It is nice to finally run well, and I have nothing but high expectations for the rest of the month. I will post some hands below, but I want to discuss this swing a bit more. First off, I ran like shit. A player of my caliber (not saying that I am good, merely just a marginal 100nl winner) needs to run like shit to lose as much as I did in that period of time. However, I also played poorly throughout. I tried to make far too many plays, and couldn't find folds in spots that I should have been doing quite easily. I have always had difficulty folding. The ability to fold is really what sets us (winners) apart from losers. This statement is really quite obvious if you think about it. We have all had a million discussions in which we say how bad a player is, he never folds preflop. This concept doesn't just apply to preflop though. Folding goes against everything that is embedded in our psychological framework. As humans, we are naturally curious animals. Folding doesn't allow us to satisfy our curiosity. Furthermore, when we are playing poker, we want to do just that. We want to play, not withdraw. When I am playing like shit, I am simply not folding. I imagine a lot of you are the same.
On to some hands:
Villain in this one was pretty laggro/maniacish. I had 3 bet him a few times already, and since he only had $50 on the table, I simply wasn't folding to his shove. To be results oriented, I am crushing his range anyways, so it doesn't much matter.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982480Villain in this hand was a standard 16/12 tag with a high ag factor of 4. I decided to flat call the flop to give him some rope since he was very aggressive. I think that I got close to maxing value over the rest of the hand, but I probably could have bet a bit more on the river. I am not sure if checking this turn is best though and would like to hear some opinions on it.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982482This one was a little fancy, perhaps too much so, but I like to get sexy, and no one folds a boat.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982488This one was questionable, and possibly bad. Villain was 26/20 and I had been 3 betting him a bit. I could see him doing this with a pretty wide range from the button, but utg not so much. I pretty much let my emotions get the best of me in this one.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982495Villain is a pretty solid player here and I knew he was on exactly 8T. This line is so uber standard for me. Jared has got me milking with bigger hands, and it works a lot at 100. At 50 nl, people are sooooo bad that you can bet whatever size you want and still get action. On a side note, last night during a sweat sesh with Jared, it was remarkable how well he interpreted bet sizes. One thing that I realized is that as you move up, the more important being able to interpret bet sizes becomes.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982495Villain in this hand is like 36/8 and pretty bad. His play here is really really bad as he is a coinflip at best here.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982508Villain in the next two hands was some 18/13 tagfish swede. Calling a 3 bet with T7ss is just going to be trouble in this spot, he is lucky I played it like shit. This is a bad spot for me to induce a raise. I really need to be betting much more on both the flop and turn in retrospect.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982515Same villain, awful play by him. I am simply never playing a pot this big with JJ. Ever.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982518There are all of my winners, here are all of my big losers.
Villain in this one was another tagfish. I got him to put his money in as a 3:1 dog, but thank you turn.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982519This one may have been a bit on the aggro side. I basically ran into one of the worst hands possible. Oh well.
http://www.pokerhand.org/?1982525In all honesty, I played pretty well this sesh, but not fantastic. I don't like two hands out of this set. It feels damn good to finally run good for once though.
Ps, do you guys like the pokerhand.org format? I really would like to be able to figure out a way to show the actual hands here, but can't figure out a way to do that.